have always loved to create art even from a young age. After
Mr. Cesario, my grade school art teacher, inspired me with his
talent, I continued to pursue art through high school, studying
under Mr. Cathony, a muralist in Chicago and attending the Art
Institute of Chicago for a summer. I received a B.A in Painting
and Drawing from Drake University in 1994 and had the privilege
of studying under Jule Kirschenbaum, Ignatius Widiapradia and Gaylord
Torrence. I was inspired to create large works of art after studying
in Florence, Italy in 1991 on a semester abroad. I began painting
murals in Portland. Oregon in 1995 and have completed over 175
murals and commissioned paintings plus dozens of decorative
painting projects for commercial and residential clients in Oregon,
Washington, California, Illinois and Wisconsin. My current studio
work and murals have been greatly influenced by a year spent
traveling to India, Africa and S.E Asia in 1998-1999. I have a
studio in SE Portland and split my time between studio and
mural projects.